Sample Output! Enjoy!

Welcome to the menu driven version of the lotto program written by
Tiffany Overstreet and Melissa Skaar. This program was edited and
created by Tiffany Overstreet on May 15, 2000.

Here are your options:
Option #1: View the ten most frequently occuring numbers.
Option #2: View the ten least frequently occuring numbers.
Option #3: View a bar graph of the distribution of all lottery numbers.
Option #4: Play the lottery for the last ten years and see if you won!

What option number would you like? 1
The ten most frequently occuring numbers are:
7 with 167 number of occurences.
6 with 159 number of occurences.
16 with 159 number of occurences.
40 with 159 number of occurences.
23 with 158 number of occurences.
1 with 157 number of occurences.
32 with 156 number of occurences.
19 with 155 number of occurences.
27 with 153 number of occurences.
43 with 151 number of occurences.

Would you like to run the program again? (y/n) y

Here are your options:
Option #1: View the ten most frequently occuring numbers.
Option #2: View the ten least frequently occuring numbers.
Option #3: View a bar graph of the distribution of all lottery numbers.
Option #4: Play the lottery for the last ten years and see if you won!

What option number would you like? 2
The ten least frequently occuring numbers are:
2 with 122 number of occurences.
35 with 122 number of occurences.
44 with 124 number of occurences.
17 with 125 number of occurences.
36 with 128 number of occurences.
31 with 129 number of occurences.
22 with 130 number of occurences.
3 with 130 number of occurences.
41 with 130 number of occurences.
30 with 131 number of occurences.

Would you like to run the program again? (y/n) y

Here are your options:
Option #1: View the ten most frequently occuring numbers.
Option #2: View the ten least frequently occuring numbers.
Option #3: View a bar graph of the distribution of all lottery numbers.
Option #4: Play the lottery for the last ten years and see if you won!

What option number would you like? 3
2 : ************************************ 122 occurences
35 : ************************************ 122 occurences
44 : ************************************* 124 occurences
17 : ************************************* 125 occurences
36 : ************************************** 128 occurences
31 : ************************************** 129 occurences
22 : ************************************** 130 occurences
3 : ************************************** 130 occurences
41 : ************************************** 130 occurences
30 : *************************************** 131 occurences
21 : *************************************** 133 occurences
13 : **************************************** 134 occurences
8 : **************************************** 134 occurences
28 : **************************************** 134 occurences
5 : **************************************** 134 occurences
39 : **************************************** 135 occurences
20 : **************************************** 136 occurences
14 : ***************************************** 137 occurences
12 : ***************************************** 137 occurences
29 : ***************************************** 140 occurences
33 : ***************************************** 140 occurences
37 : ****************************************** 141 occurences
34 : ****************************************** 141 occurences
9 : ****************************************** 141 occurences
4 : ****************************************** 141 occurences
38 : ****************************************** 143 occurences
18 : ****************************************** 143 occurences
15 : ******************************************* 144 occurences
10 : ******************************************* 144 occurences
11 : ******************************************* 145 occurences
26 : ******************************************* 146 occurences
24 : ******************************************** 147 occurences
25 : ******************************************** 150 occurences
42 : ********************************************* 151 occurences
43 : ********************************************* 151 occurences
27 : ********************************************* 153 occurences
19 : ********************************************** 155 occurences
32 : ********************************************** 156 occurences
1 : *********************************************** 157 occurences
23 : *********************************************** 158 occurences
40 : *********************************************** 159 occurences
16 : *********************************************** 159 occurences
6 : *********************************************** 159 occurences
7 : ************************************************* 167 occurences
Would you like to run the program again? (y/n) y

Here are your options:
Option #1: View the ten most frequently occuring numbers.
Option #2: View the ten least frequently occuring numbers.
Option #3: View a bar graph of the distribution of all lottery numbers.
Option #4: Play the lottery for the last ten years and see if you won!

What option number would you like? 4
Please enter in your six numbers:
Number 1: 5
Number 2: 19
Number 3: 13
Number 4: 44
Number 5: 1
Number 6: 13

You had four matching numbers on the date 4/28/90.
The ticket for that date was: 2 13 19 27 35 44 -- You won $50.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 2/16/91.
The ticket for that date was: 8 13 16 19 28 39 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 5/15/91.
The ticket for that date was: 3 5 9 13 28 37 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 8/31/91.
The ticket for that date was: 5 8 19 29 37 44 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 2/8/92.
The ticket for that date was: 5 11 19 22 40 44 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 2/15/92.
The ticket for that date was: 8 11 13 15 19 20 -- You won $1.00!

You had four matching numbers on the date 4/25/92.
The ticket for that date was: 2 10 13 19 20 44 -- You won $50.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 6/10/92.
The ticket for that date was: 2 13 20 25 29 44 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 9/23/92.
The ticket for that date was: 1 5 8 15 19 37 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 12/16/92.
The ticket for that date was: 4 13 14 15 19 23 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 3/6/93.
The ticket for that date was: 1 2 11 13 20 35 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 4/17/93.
The ticket for that date was: 1 6 9 13 16 29 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 6/26/93.
The ticket for that date was: 6 13 17 22 43 44 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 7/31/93.
The ticket for that date was: 6 13 19 37 39 42 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 10/6/93.
The ticket for that date was: 1 13 14 15 28 29 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 11/3/93.
The ticket for that date was: 1 10 13 22 24 25 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 12/18/93.
The ticket for that date was: 1 13 15 21 41 43 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 1/19/94.
The ticket for that date was: 5 15 19 30 32 44 -- You won $1.00!

You had four matching numbers on the date 2/19/94.
The ticket for that date was: 1 10 13 19 27 34 -- You won $50.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 3/26/94.
The ticket for that date was: 4 5 13 20 23 43 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 5/11/94.
The ticket for that date was: 5 13 29 37 40 43 -- You won $1.00!

You had four matching numbers on the date 6/18/94.
The ticket for that date was: 1 3 13 19 29 38 -- You won $50.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 8/6/94.
The ticket for that date was: 2 3 13 24 33 44 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 3/8/95.
The ticket for that date was: 13 19 27 29 31 40 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 8/5/95.
The ticket for that date was: 5 13 17 29 36 37 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 9/30/95.
The ticket for that date was: 5 7 13 25 36 38 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 10/7/95.
The ticket for that date was: 5 16 18 19 23 44 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 12/27/95.
The ticket for that date was: 1 10 19 42 43 44 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 4/3/96.
The ticket for that date was: 5 12 13 15 24 25 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 6/15/96.
The ticket for that date was: 4 5 6 13 26 41 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 9/11/96.
The ticket for that date was: 9 13 19 24 29 42 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 9/14/96.
The ticket for that date was: 1 10 13 20 24 36 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 1/1/97.
The ticket for that date was: 4 13 19 30 31 38 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 3/12/97.
The ticket for that date was: 1 6 7 13 28 37 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 3/19/97.
The ticket for that date was: 2 6 13 24 30 44 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 3/22/97.
The ticket for that date was: 13 17 21 34 37 44 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 4/16/97.
The ticket for that date was: 5 10 13 18 35 37 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 4/23/97.
The ticket for that date was: 3 5 13 21 23 31 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 5/28/97.
The ticket for that date was: 6 13 15 19 34 36 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 6/18/97.
The ticket for that date was: 5 12 13 21 32 42 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 7/16/97.
The ticket for that date was: 5 7 13 16 31 38 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 8/20/97.
The ticket for that date was: 13 17 34 35 43 44 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 9/2/98.
The ticket for that date was: 1 5 14 27 43 44 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 9/30/98.
The ticket for that date was: 12 13 23 25 26 44 -- You won $1.00!

You had four matching numbers on the date 11/14/98.
The ticket for that date was: 4 5 13 19 28 42 -- You won $50.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 11/25/98.
The ticket for that date was: 13 19 20 28 33 35 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 4/17/99.
The ticket for that date was: 8 13 18 29 34 44 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 5/1/99.
The ticket for that date was: 5 7 16 19 40 44 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 5/26/99.
The ticket for that date was: 6 11 13 16 19 42 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 5/29/99.
The ticket for that date was: 6 8 13 18 37 44 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 9/1/99.
The ticket for that date was: 1 12 13 38 42 43 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 10/2/99.
The ticket for that date was: 1 3 12 13 37 38 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 11/24/99.
The ticket for that date was: 9 11 13 30 42 44 -- You won $1.00!

You had three matching numbers on the date 5/10/0.
The ticket for that date was: 7 12 13 15 16 44 -- You won $1.00!

If you played this number every drawing since the lottery began on 1/27/90,
you would have spent $1036.00
If you played this number every drawing since the lottery began on 1/27/90,
you would have won $299.00
You haven't won the jackpot yet.

Would you like to run the program again? (y/n) n

Bye-Bye! Thanks for playing!

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